Archive for February, 2013

Noli Novak at FSCJ-Kent Campus 2-14-2013

Posted in Noli Novak on February 13, 2013 by bigbabyhead

Noli Novak at FSCJ-Kent Campus 2-14-2013

Noli is an Illustrator for the Wall St. Journal. This is a rare opportunity to meet her and hear her discuss her work and career as an illustrator.

Addendum to the lecture with Noli- I learned that she did not go to art school but did learn to make charcoal from willow branches. — Noli Novak Illustration.

Why can’t you draw.

Posted in Uncategorized on February 13, 2013 by bigbabyhead

Why can’t you draw.

I like this guys take on it. I hear from people all the time that they can’t draw. I think everyone can draw if you have a big enough eraser.

Beach as a sketchbook

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on February 8, 2013 by bigbabyhead

Mitosis landscape

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on February 8, 2013 by bigbabyhead

Mitosis landscape

A photograph of the campus of the University of California at Irvine, from the Bio Sci Peer Academic Advising’s Facebook page, via Reddit.


Posted in Uncategorized on February 6, 2013 by bigbabyhead

I have decided to expand the blog entries beyond artists.

Here’s 3 Infographs I love.


Wind Map
(2) 5-axis 3D Tube Cutting Laser for the 2013 Exocet
Minimum wage machineMinimum Wage Machine

Blake Fall-Conroy, 2008-2010


This machine allows anyone to work for minimum wage for as long as they like. Turning the crank on the side releases one penny every 4.97 seconds, for a total of $7.25 per hour. This corresponds to minimum wage for a person in New York.


This piece is brilliant on multiple levels, particularly as social commentary. Without a doubt, most people who started operating the machine for fun would quickly grow disheartened and stop when realizing just how little they’re earning by turning this mindless crank. A person would then conceivably realize that this is what nearly two million people in the United States do every day…at much harder jobs than turning a crank. This turns the piece into a simple, yet effective argument for raising the minimum wage.




The average worker earning minimum wage must work 130+ hours to afford rent in New York and California.